Public Policy · Government Relations · Business Consulting · Lobbying
Southern Consulting Associates ensures your organization a plan tailored to your specific needs. The goal is almost always the same, but the process can vary greatly; SCA takes a flexible approach knowing that is always what's necessary in order to achieve each client’s goals and to advocate on their behalf.
Every day, governments make decisions with far reaching implications that impact businesses, industries, cities and counties. Having a state lobbying presence is a critical component in advocating to important stakeholders, and having the right lobbyist will ensure timely responses to government actions impacting your organization. We facilitate successful results such as bonds for economic development projects and other types of state funding, or positive regulatory changes.
Our plan for you will be individualized, specific, and dynamic. Whether you need fundraising or campaign expertise, board room and human resource strategies, or assistance passing, amending or defeating legislation, we are the firm you want on your side.